Brian K. Lewis for Wake Soil & Water Supervisor2022-10-25T04:05:09+00:00

People. not Politics.

A holistic approach to managing the resources which we rely upon will increase our resilience with respect to risks associated with economic cycles, supply interruptions, and weather extremes.

As our community grows it is important to recognize that soil and water conservation are not exclusively agricultural concerns. How well we manage them affects the quality of life of each and every one of us.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts have a long history of providing local farmers with access to the latest innovations in farm management and assisting implementation. Helping our large and small farmers to deploy these cost savings and yield improvement techniques is key to sustaining a local farming industry.

But it’s not just about farms. Helping homeowners and local water managers preserve a clean and sustainable water supply not only makes a sustainable future feasible here in Wake County but it’s the responsible thing to do to protect all our downstream neighbors as well.

All residents of Wake County are shareholders in maintaining our soil and water resources. As your Soil & Water Supervisor, I will work to afford everyone in Wake County access to the tools they need to achieve effective conservation. Ensuring this happens today will protect the wellbeing of our families and communities into the future.



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